Crypt-o documentation - Password generator

Password generator

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Crypt-o allows you to generate secure random passwords.

The random password generator has the following options:




Lower case letters (a-z)

Lower case letters a-z will be used for password generation.

Upper case letters (A-Z)

Upper case letters A-Z will be used for password generation.

Digits (0-9)

Digits 0-9 will be used for password generation.

Special symbols ($,%,!,@, ...)

Special symbols ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) - + | = / : ; [ ] < > , . will be used for password generation.

Custom characters

User defined characters will be used for password generation. Enter needed characters in this input field.

Exclude characters

The specified characters will be excluded from password generation. Enter needed characters in this input field.

Password template

It is possible to define a template for password generation. If the template is specified, a password will be generated according to this template.


The following characters can be used in a template:



a random lower case letter will be placed in this position;


a random upper case letter will be placed in this position;


a random digit will be placed in this position;


a random special character will be placed in this position;


one of the user defined characters, specified in the Custom characters input field, will be placed in this position;


a quoted text will be placed in the resulting password as is.



A desired length of a password.


The password generator

The password generator